DOHC NG Support

Documenting Cologuard Results

Updated on

In this Quick Reference Guide we will identify the steps for documenting Cologuard Results.

Adding the Colon CA - AJCC Stage III Protocol

To add the Colon CA - AJCC Stage III protocol:

Click the Care Guidelines link on the Intake/SOAP templates.

Click Add/Update on the Care Guidelines Paged MG template.

Active Guidelines

On the Active Guidelines panel

  1. Click inside the Condition field.
  2. Select Colon CA - AJCC Stage III from the Lst CG Reasons pop-up.
  3. Click OK


A diagnosis must be associated with the selected Condition.

  • Click the Diagnosis field to select the associated diagnosis.

To Finish adding the Guideline

  1. Click Add
  2. Click Save & Close

To Document the Cologuard Results

To document the Cologuard results:

  1. Click the Status drop down arrow.
  2. Select Completed from the Guideline status pop-up.

In the Historical Test - Quick Entry Window

  1. Select the Cologuard Test Description.
  2. Choose the Approx or Date done.
  3. The optional Interpretation and Results field can be used to document result information.
  4. Click Save & Add New.
  5. Click OK


The Completion Status and Last Completed fields should now appear within the Care Guidelines grid (Note: The Interpretation and Result information will appear on the Master Document).

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