DOHC NG Support

How to Add Attachments to New Tasks

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When creating New Task(s) from the patient's chart or from the Clinical Tasking Workflow Inbox. Users can attach the following items: Documents, Templates, Images, DM Images (Document Management), Crystal Reports, and HIE Documents.

In this Quick Reference Guide, we will explain the steps necessary to Add Attachments to New Task(s) sent from the patient's chart. This guide assumes that the user has a basic understanding of how to send task.

Creating New Task from the Patient's Chart

To Create New Tasks from a patient's chart:

  1. Click on To Do icon.
  2. Complete desired fields in To Do MG window.
  3. Click Save & Close


Adding Attachments to Tasks

To Add an Attachment to a Task:

  1. Select the type of Attachment from the Attach window.
  2. Choose the desired item from the pop-up window.
  3. Click OK.

NOTE: A number of items including scanned images can be attached to task. (See image below)

Click OK to add attachment to Task

Selecting Task Recipient(s)

NOTE: Tasks can be sent across practices to any user within the Available Users/Workgroups list. However, when sending attachments. The patient must have an Enterprise Chart in order for the information to be accessible to the recipient.

In the Select Task Recipients window:

  1. Choose the Recipient(s) from the Available Users/Workgroups list.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Click OK.

NOTE: After clicking OK, the task will be sent to the selected recipient.

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