DOHC NG Support

ScreenSteps Quick Reference Guide

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This Quick Reference Guide is for Internal NextGen Staff Only. This guide gives an overview of how to do the following:

  • Access the ScreenSteps Application
  • How to create a Manual
  • How to create Chapters
  • How to create an Article
  • How to add content to an Article using the Desktop application
  • How to download Article to PDF

Accessing the ScreenSteps Application

To access the ScreenSteps Browser Application

  • Open the Google Chrome web browser.
  • Type in the ScreenSteps web address. (See Image Below)

It is recommended that you bookmark the ScreenSteps page to your Internet browser.

ScreenSteps Log In

In the ScreenSteps Log in window:

  1. Enter your assigned User Name and Password Information.
  2. Click Log In

View in admin portal

From the ScreenSteps home page; click the View in admin portal link.

Important Note: Ensure that the Admin desktop is set to DOHC NG Support before proceeding. (See Image Below)

How to create a Manual

A Manual can be best described as a book that consist of Chapters which contain content called Articles. To create a Manual:

  1. Click the drop down arrow next to Manuals.
  2. Select New Manual from the drop down menu.

In the Create Manual window:

  1. Enter a Title for your Manual (book).
  2. Click Save Manual.

How to create Chapters

After creating your Manual a Default chapter is automatically created. This Default chapter can be re-named by doing the following:

  1. Click the drop down arrow next to the Default chapter.
  2. Select Edit from the drop down menu.

In the Chapter title window:

  1. Enter a name for the Chapter.
  2. Click Save title.

To create a new Chapter; click the New button next to the Chapters heading.


How to create an Article

Remember that Articles are what contains the content for each Chapter. To create an Article; click the New button next to the Articles heading.


In the Article set up window:

  1. Enter the title of the Article in the Article title field.
  2. Select yourself as the owner of the Article in the Choose owner field.
  3. Select Needs Content in the Set status field.
  4. Ensure that the Comments enabled box is unchecked.
  5. Click the CREATE ARTICLE button.

Adding content to an Article

Content can be added to an Article by using both the web browser app and the Desktop version of ScreenSteps. In this illustration we will add content using the Desktop version.

To access the Desktop version of ScreenSteps; click on the name of the Article from the Admin page.


On the top toolbar of the Article:

  1. Hover your mouse over the Edit on Web button.
  2. Select the Edit on Desktop options

If you have the Desktop version of ScreenSteps installed on your local computer. It can be accessed, by clicking on the Windows Start button and selecting ScreenSteps from the All Programs menu. (See Image Below)

Content Menu

The only thing that is currently visible on the page, is the title of the Article. To start adding content:

  1. Click the small dot located just under the title.
  2. Select from the menu what Content you would like to add first.

Continue this process until you have concluded adding your content to the Article.

Sample Layout

In the sample layout below, you can see how the Text, Heading, and Image File content was used.

Text Formatting Toolbar

When entering Text content, a Formatting toolbar appears at the top of the document. The toolbar provides the following options:

  • Bold
  • Italicize
  • Underline
  • Font color
  • SuperScript
  • SubScript
  • Create numeric list
  • Create bullet point list
  • Indent
  • Format as code
  • Add Hyperlink to selection
  • Erase format

Text Styles

In addition to formatting your text, Text Styles can be added to your content. After typing your text:

  1. Click the drop down arrow next to Styles under the Text Settings located on the right panel.
  2. Select the desired style from the list of available options. (see image below)

Image Toolbar

When adding Image Files to your Article, the Image Toolbar becomes available at the top of the document. The following options are available:

  • Select Tool
  • Image Select Tool
  • Line annotation
  • Rectangle annotation
  • Oval annotation
  • Highlight annotation
  • Sequence annotation
  • Text annotation
  • Blur annotation

Saving the Article

There are two options available to save your article:

  • Save as Draft - this option is recommended if additional content is still needed or if the Article still needs to be reviewed before publishing.
  • Save & Publish - saves Article and makes it available to the general public.

For the purpose of this illustration, we will use the Save as Draft option.

In the Save Changes as Draft window:

  1. If not already selected, choose yourself as the owner of the Article.
  2. Select the Needs Review option to indicate the status of the Article.
  3. Click Save as Draft.

The Describe the changes you made is an optional field to document any future changes you may want to indicate to those you are collaborating with.

A confirmation that your Article has been saved will appear. The following options are available:

  • Go To Browser App - provides a preview of the Article in the web browser along with other options such as downloading the Article to PDF.
  • Continue Editing - returns to the editing mode to continue adding or editing content.
  • Close - completely closes the Article.

Downloading the Article to PDF

The option to download your Article to PDF is available when previewing your document in the Browser App. To download your Article; click the Download to PDF option on the top menu bar.

In the Download PDF window:

  1. Click Generate PDF
  2. Click Download PDF


The PDF version of the Article can be saved to a desired location once completed.

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