DOHC NG Support

How to Add EHR Alerts

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In this Quick Reference Guide we will explain How to Add EHR Alerts.

Alerts Button

The Alerts button can be found in the following locations in the EHR Application:

  • Patient information Bar
  • All NextGen EHR Workflow Inboxes

Adding Alerts

In this illustration we will create alerts using the Patient Information bar.

To add and alert; click the Alerts button.

In the Patient Alerts window; click the Add/Edit button.

Add/Edit Alerts

in the Add/Edit Alerts window there are several categories to choose the alert from. The current options are as follows:

  • Chart
  • Communication
  • Prescribing
  • Orders
  • Confidential
  • Quality/ACO
  • Visit
  • Opthalmology
  • Cardiology

From the desired Category list:

  1. Select the alert by clicking the Check Box next to it.
  2. Choose one of the additional options available for your alert. The options include:

    Show in Red & Bold - Causes the alert to appear this way in the Patient Alerts window.
    Pop-up for Acknowledgment - Causes the alert to automatically pop-up when accessing patient's record.
  3. Add any Additional Comments in the provided text field.
  4. Click Save & Close

The new alert should now appear in the Patient Alerts window.

Entering Additional Alerts

Users have two options in which to add alerts that might not already exist within the Add/Edit Alerts window. The first option, is to use the Enter Additional Alert field provided in each category. The second option, is to create an Alert using the Manage Practice Alerts.

The Enter Additional Alert field provides an extra space to enter an alert. To enter this alert:

  • Free text the alert
  • Complete any additional information as described in the Add/Edit Alerts section of this Quick Reference Guide.

Manage Practice Alerts

To create Practice Alerts:

  • Click the Manage Practice Alerts button from the Add/Edit Alerts window.

In the Practice Alerts window:

  1. Click Add
  2. Select the Type of alert from the drop down menu.
  3. Free Text Alert Description
  4. Click Save & Close
  5. Click Close

You must close the Add/Edit Alerts window and then re-open to see any newly created Practice Alerts.

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