If enrolled, providers are able to Electronically Prescribe Controlled Substances (EPCS). In this Quick Reference Guide, we will explain how to send controlled substances electronically from the NextGen Medications Module.
Sending Controlled Substances
After adding the controlled medication to the Medications Module, Click the Send button on the middle toolbar.
Authentication Required for Controlled Substances
Perform the following steps in the Send Prescription pop-up window:
- Verify Destination
- Enter Providers assigned NextGen Password in the Authentication Required for Controlled Substances section.
(Note: The User Name for the provider is grayed out) - Enter provider Token Password. (Note: You obtain Token Password from Symantec VIP App)
- Click Send
Note: All authentication fields will be greyed out if the destination pharmacy is not a EPCS participant.

If the credentials are not successful, the user will be prompted with a message to address any failures. Example: The token authentication failed.
Final Note
There are two things to keep in mind when it comes to refill request for controlled substances:
- Refills for controlled substances cannot be approved by anyone but the original prescribing provider.
- Refills for schedule II controlled substances can have only one fill. Other controlled substances do not have this restriction.
This concludes this Quick Reference Guide for sending Electronically Prescribed Controlled Substances.