In this Quick Reference Guide we will identify the following changes:
- Telehealth Visit Type
- Automatically add modifier 95 for virtual visits
- Patient Present in California documentation requirement.
- New Encounter Billing Check Colors.
- Identification for missing Encounter Insurance.
Telehealth Visit Type
The Visit Types list has been updated to include Telehealth Visit.

Automatically Add Modifier 95
With the addition of the Telehealth Visit the modifier 95 will automatically be added to the modifier field when the encounter billing check correctly completed and the Virtual Visit Platform is selected.

Patient Present in California
It is now a state requirement to indicate whether a patient present in the state of California during Telehealth visits. If the patient does reside in the state. The Pt present in CA check box must be selected. (See screenshot below)
New Encounter Billing Check Colors
In order to make the Encounter Billing Check more accessible to all users. The color scheme has been updated to the following colors:
- Blue - all required fields have been completed and no mismatches have been detected.
- Orange - indicates the following: missing information or a mismatch has been detected.
Identification for missing Encounter Insurance
To help better clarify, that the encounter is missing the Insurance. The Primary Insurance field on the Encounter Billing Check will now say No Encounter Insurance instead of Self-pay.
Telehealth Location
It is important to note that when documenting a Telehealth visit. The Current Location and Encounter Location should both reflect the appropriate Telehealth location. (See screenshot below)

Note: the Submit Code button will not appear if there is missing information or a mismatch detected.