DOHC NG Support

Hide Due Tasks Preference

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In an effort to help providers increase the speed in which tasks are loaded and displayed in their Clinical Tasking Inbox this Quick Reference Guide has been created to show users how to use the Hide Tasks preference. This Quick Reference Guide assumes that the user has a basic understanding as how to access the EHR Workflow and Clinical Tasking Inbox.

Setting the Hide Tasks Due Preference

The Hide Tasks Due preference allows users to hide tasks a certain number of months in the past. After setting the number of months, the tasks with due dates that fall within the date range will be hidden from view in the Clinical Tasking Inbox.

The following steps must be performed to set the Hide Tasks Due preference:

  1. Click the Cog in the top left corner of the Clinical Tasking Inbox.
  2. Select Preferences from the drop down menu.
  3. Click the check box labeled Hide Tasks Due More Than (2) Month(s) In The Past.
  4. Increase or Decrease the number of months using the tumblers up and down arrows.

Note: the number of months should be no less than 2 months and no greater than 6 months.

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