The Medications Module supports the Real-Time Prescription Benefit feature when prescribing new medications. Based on the patient's active prescription benefits, the Real-Time Prescription Benefit feature displays multiple alternative coverage options.
In this Quick Reference Guide we will explain the process for the following:
- Viewing Patient's Estimated Prescription Cost.
- Viewing and Selecting Alternative/Pricing Coverage.
- Selecting the Pharmacy Destination.
In order for this feature to work appropriately. An Rx Eligibility check should be performed within a 24 hour period before prescribing any new medications.
Viewing Patient's Estimated Prescription Cost
Based on the patient's prescription benefits, the Estimated Patient Cost displays.

Selecting Alternative Pricing Coverages
If the Estimated Patient Cost is considered to be to high and there are alternative options; click the Show Alternatives/Pricing Coverage link.

If a lower cost alternative exist:
- Select the alternative in the Alternatives/Pricing Coverage window.
- Click Replace.

The Alternative/ Pricing Coverage will no longer be available once the medication becomes active.
All required fields (Sig, Quantity, etc.) will need to be completed when the original medication is replaced by an alternative.
Pharmacy Destination
The Pharmacy Destination field is available and can be updated to an alternative pharmacy by:
- Clicking the drop down arrow to select a predetermined secondary Pharmacy.
- Click the ellipses button to search for an alternative destination.
The patient's Primary Preferred Pharmacy is the default Pharmacy destination.