In this Quick Reference Guide, we will take a look at the new enhancements made to the Social History - Occupation template. Theses enhancements include the following:
- Ability to free text occupation information
- Indicator to select from Occupation picklist when submitting to cancer registry.
- Addition of a CL (Clear) button for the Occupation field.
Ability to free text Occupation information
Although the ability to free text in the Occupation field already existed. It was only available once the pop-up picklist was closed. The new enhancement allows free texting without having to close the picklist first.
Indicator to select from picklist when submitting to cancer registry
The picklist can now be accessed by clicking the blue drop down arrow. An indicator has also been added to indicate that a value must be chosen from the picklist when submitting to the cancer registry.
Clearing information entered in the Occupation field
Information entered in the Occupation field can be quickly removed by clicking the Cl (clear) button.
This concludes this Quick Reference Guide on the Social History - Occupation template enhancements.