In this Quick Reference Guide, you will learn How to Schedule Patients in Practice Management.
To Schedule Patients in PM
The following methods can be used to add patients to the Appointment Book:
- Select desired timeslot, then click Blue Plus sign to launch the Add Appointment book.
- Double click the desired timeslot to launch the Add Appointment book.
- Right click desired timeslot, then select New from the pop-up menu to launch the Add Appointment book.

Inputting the Patients Information
Important Note: There are two sides to the Add Appointment book: Patient information and Appointment Details.
To add the patient's information:
- Click the Norton button.
- Select the Lookup option.
People Lookup
To search for the desired patient:
- Enter patients Last/First name.
- Enter the patients Birth Date.
- Click Find.
Important Note: A partial description of the patient's Last/First name can be entered when searching for the desired patient.

The patient results now appear in the Matching Records window. Double-click the desired patient.

Update Patient Information
Review the patient's information in the Update Patient Information window, then click OK.
Appointment Details
Important Note: All fields highlighted in red are required fields.
To Add the Appointment Details:
- Click the drop-down arrow in the Event/Event Chain field to select the type of visit (i.e. Nurse Visit, Office Visit, etc.)
- Ensure that the correct Service Location is selected (i.e. DOHC ORS PS, etc.).
- Enter the reason for visit in the Details field.
- Click OK.

The desired patient now appears in the designated timeslot.