In this Quick Reference Guide we will identify the two enhancements made to the Growth Chart. These enhancements include the following:
- Support for Patients with Down Syndrome
- Title Change for Premature Growth Charts
Support for Patients with Down Syndrome
Growth Charts have now been updated to provide Down Syndrome information for patients ages 0-36 months and 2-20 years. The growth chart uses CDC 2015 data to graph certain percentages (2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, and 98)
In order for the Down syndrome information to appear on the patients growth chart the Down syndrome check box must be checked on the Birth History template.
Title Change for Premature Growth Charts
Titles for Premature Growth Charts for Height, Weight, and Head Circumference has been updated to identify the data source.
This concludes this Quick Reference Guide for Growth Chart Enhancements.