DOHC NG Support

How to Create and Print Batch Statements

Updated on

In this Quick Reference Guide, users will learn how to generate and print statement batches in Practice Management. This guide assumes that users performing these steps, have the proper security access.

Creating Statement Batches

To create a Statement Batch:

  1. Go to File menu
  2. Click on Print Forms
  3. Select Statements from extended menu.

Default Statement Options

In the Statement Options window:

Review the default Statement Option settings. [Consult with your Billing Manager before making any modifications to the General Options tab]

IMPORTANT NOTE: The default settings on the Statement Options General tab is pre-defined in Practice Preferences.

Printing Statements

  1. To print the statements: Click Print on the bottom

The following prompt displays if the Update Last Statement Dates check box was selected: "Did the statement print correctly" (See Screenshot below).

  1. If all statements print correctly, click Yes. If all statements did not print correctly, click No

Statement Report

After clicking Yes, a Statement Run Report displays showing all guarantor accounts that were in the batch. This is a "one time" report, therefore, do one of the following to save a copy:

  1. Print the report.
  2. Export the report to the Excel file and save.
  3. Save the report as a snapshot.