DOHC NG Support

Adding Printers to the Remote Desktop

Updated on

In this Quick Reference Guide we will explain how to add printers to the Remote Desktop.

How to Add Printers

To Add printers to the Remote Desktop:

  • Double-click the Devices and Printers icon.

In the Devices and Printers window:

  • Click Add a printer.

To Add a device:

  1. Click The printer that I want isn't listed link.
  2. Click Next.

In the Add Printer window:

  1. Click the Select a shared printer by name option.
  2. Type the name of printer using the following format: \\Print1\Name of printer (See image below).
  3. Click Next.

Note: The list of printers will appear as you type the printer name in the Select a shared printer by name field (See image below).

In the Add Printer window the You've successfully added (Name of Printer) will appear.

  • Click Next.

Users will have the opportunity to set the printer as their default printer (See image below).

  • Click Finish to complete and close the window.