DOHC NG Support

Memo - Upgrades to Servers

Updated on

The Servers our NextGen System is running on need to be updated, in much the same way as most regular PCs have been upgraded to Windows 10.

This process is complex because there are many Servers that must work together. Each upgrade gets tested before we make the change, but there is no way to test it with 800 users on it or with the links to the other Servers in place. This means that there have been some times when the new Server simply did not work as well as it should have once we had everyone using the system on a Monday morning, even though it had worked fine all weekend. When that has happened, we have fixed the problem as quickly as we could and then reviewed what happened to try to prevent problems the next time.

We intend to complete all of the upgrades by the end of the year.

 At this time, we have updated:

  • NextGen Databases and the Servers that they run on
  • File and Image Server that is used for ICS
  • BBP Servers used for overnight processing
  • Interface Servers used to link to ePrescribing, the Patient Portal, NextGen Share, and our links to Labs, RadNet and CAIR

The remaining servers needing upgrades are:

  • Profile Server, which stores your preferences, and other files – Due to be done on the evening of Tuesday 29th October - Completed 10/29
  • Printer Server, which controls all printing – Not yet Scheduled
  • User Terminal Servers; i.e. servers you logon to daily to access NextGen – Not yet Scheduled

We are very sorry for the difficulties that have been caused by these changes. We know that these are frustrating, and that you have experienced some significant issues during this process. We cannot promise that no other issues will occur but we do promise you that the NextGen team is doing everything possible to prevent issues and to provide the best possible service to you.

Thank you for your patience and please continue to give us feedback as we work to finish updating this system.


DOHC NextGen Support Services