In this Quick Reference Guide, users will learn how to Check Patients in from the Appointment Book. In this guide, we will be using the Auto Flow to check patients in. The Auto Flow is a sequence of events used to check patient's in.
The Auto Flow sequence may vary according to Practice/Location preference.
Checking Patients In
Patients are checked in upon arriving for their scheduled appointment. To check a patient in:
- Select patient to be checked-in from the Appointment Book, then Right-Click.
- Select Checkin/Create Encounter from the menu.

If applicable, review any alerts that may appear regarding the patient's status.

Create Encounter
In the Create Encounter window users must complete all required fields. Required fields are highlighted in Red.
In this illustration, the Patient Type and Referring provider fields are highlighted as required fields.
- Click the drop down arrow for the Patient Type field to select the desired type.
- Free text the Referring provider in the Referring field.
- Click OK.
Although the Referring provider could be considered the patient's PCP. This may not always be the case. As an explanation is to broad to mention in this Quick Reference Guide. Refer to your departments protocols or contact techsupport for a more relevant description.

Insurance Selection
In the Insurance Selection window:
- Select the patients available Active Insurance.
- Click the right blue arrow to add insurance to the current encounter.
- Click AutoFlow.
Ensure that the Patient's Eligibility status has been verified before adding insurance to the current encounter.

Encounter Copay
If a copay is required for the current encounter based on the patient's insurance. The Encounter Copay window will display. Click OK to access the Insurance Maintenance window.
In the Insurance Maintenance window:
- Enter the appropriate copay information in the Enc Co-payment field highlighted in red.
- Click OK.
If no Copay is required for the current visit; a zero (0) dollar amount should be documented to satisfy the requirement.

Payment Entry
In the Payment Entry screen the following information is required:
- Payer - the responsibility for paying the copay is the Patient.
- Tracking - describes the payment made by the patient. (i.e. cash, check #, etc.)
- Pay Amt - describes the amount of the copay or the amount being paid by the patient.
- Pay Code - the code should reflect the method of payment used to pay copay. (i.e. cash, credit card, check, etc.)
- Click Save
If a zero (0) dollar copay was entered, then there is no need to complete the Payment Entry information.

Unapplied Payment
In the Unapplied Payment window, select the Encounter option to indicate that the copay will be applied to the current encounter.

After applying the payment, click AutoFlow.

Itemized Bill
The Itemized Bill for Encounter window gives the user the option to print a receipt for the patient.
- Click Print to obtain a record of the patient's transaction.
- Click AutoFlow to complete patient checkin.
Keep in mind that the AutoFlow sequence may vary based on Practice/Location.