DOHC NG Support

How to Create a Batch

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In order to keep track of transactions performed when collecting office visit copay's. A Batch must be created. In this Quick Reference Guide we will explain the following:

  • How to Create a Batch
  • How to Set a Batch as Active
  • How to Create a Quick Batch
  • How to Use the Session Settings feature

How to Create a Batch

To Create a Batch; click the Posting icon located on the top toolbar.

In the Batch Posting window:

  1. Click the Norton button.
  2. Choose New from the drop down menu.
  3. Select Batch from the extended menu.

Complete the following fields in the Batch Maintenance window:

  1. Batch Desc - Type the name of your batch in this field.
    • Example: (Practice, User Initial, and date) e.g.: DOHC VH 08082023
  2. Secured to User - Use this field to Secure the Batch to yourself or a different user.
  3. Click OK

Setting the Batch as Active

NextGen does not assume that the Batch that you have just created is the Active Batch even if it is the only one. To activate your Batch:

  1. Ensure that your Batch is selected.
  2. Click the Norton button.
  3. Select Set as Active Batch from the drop down menu.

A Green check mark should now appear next to your Batch indicating that it has now been Set as Active.

The Batch is deactivated when logging out of the Practice Management application.

How to Create a Quick Batch

In this section we will demonstrate how to Create a Quick Batch. There are two ways in which a Quick Batch can be created. In this illustration we will show you how to create one from the Batch Posting window.

From the Batch Posting window:

  1. Click the Norton button.
  2. Choose the New option from the drop down menu.
  3. Select Quick Batch from the extended menu.

In the Quick Batch window:

  1. Type the name of your Batch in the required field.
  2. Click OK

As you can see, the Batch is automatically Set as Active and Secured to the user. (See Image Below)

How to Use the Session Settings Feature

The Session Settings Feature provides the opportunity for users to Activate already created batches as well as the ability to create Quick Batches. In this section, we will demonstrate both of these options.

The Session Settings window can be set to automatically open when the Practice Management application is opened in the users preferences.

Activating the Batch from Session Settings Window

To access the Session Settings window:

  1. Select the Tasks option from the top menu bar.
  2. Select Session Settings from the drop down menu.

In the Session Settings window:

  1. Click the Active Batch drop down arrow.
  2. Select your Batch from menu.
  3. Click OK

Creating Quick Batches from the Session Settings Window

Users can create Quick Batches without having to go to the Batch Posting window, by using the Session Settings window. To Create a Quick Batch from Session Settings:

  1. Click the Active Batch drop down arrow.
  2. Select the Create Quick Batch option.

In the Quick Batch window:

  1. Type the name of your Batch in the required field.
  2. Click OK
  3. Click OK on the Session Settings window.